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Industrial Design Cafe

Posted by Iqbal Mujahid Monday, April 15 2019
Desain cafe gaya industrial
Gaya Desain
Rp. 10 juta - Rp. 30 juta
Ditanyakan oleh Ina

What kind of lamp bulp and what kind of chair I should buy for this kind of cafe. FYI, this is 7x17m2. I prefer to use this unfinished wall and mural will be on it. With around 60 people (full house) im bit confused to decide what kind of design for table or chair to use. Thank you.

InteriorDesign.id dibandingkan dengan desainer interior konvensional, mana yang terbaik untuk Anda?

Iqbal Mujahid
Dijawab oleh Iqbal Mujahid

Hello Miss. Ina,

Firstly, thank you for coming to our web page.

I am Iqbal Mujahid, as a designer of Interiordesign.id will trying to find out matched furniture for your upcoming cafe.

Stay tune!

Here are some tips according to the information you’ve been giving to us:

  1. Choose the Suitable Concept Design.

Based on the statement written on the form that you are prefer modern design’s concept, it is nice to build your cafe with this kind of idea. Hence, looking into your budget around 10-30 million rupiahs, i recommend you to take a look into Industrial’s design. Here is in the picture for the example:

desain cafe konsep industrial dengan hiasan lampu gantung

~ Cafe Industrial. Via Habitus Living

Well, its look match with your idea to have some unfinished look and mural on it. Don’t worry about theย spacious room, when you manage the furniture, everything will set as well.

Desain interior cafe dengan hiasan mural

  1. Manage Seating Zone

It is important to manage the seating zone inside the cafe. Either you provide some space for smoking area, or allow your customer to smoke inside the cafe.

Set the chair and tableย according to capacity. I mean, when you have four customer please provide four chairs and one table at one.

  1. Customize Furniture With the Design Concept

Solid wood with iron leg is good for this concept. Choose the comfortable one to be used for your customer, you don’t have toย incur large costs but it is still has an elegant sense indeed.

Desain cafe industrial

~ Seating Zone. Via Hibatus Living

  1. Lamp Installation

Lastly, decoration of the room is still important. How you decide to use either hanging lamp or wall lamp couldย affect the aesthetics of the room.

My question is,ย what impression do you want to get from the cafe? So, i suggest you to choose one of a lamp with a warm white theme, white color, or the yellow one to show your cafe’s concept.

Good luck. Hopefully it is useful and can be applied easily !

Happy decorating,

Iqbal Mujahid.

Berapa estimasi biaya renovasi Anda?

Mau rumah impian sesuai anggaran yang Anda miliki? Sangat mungkin & mudah!

4000+ desain telah diselesaikan, dapatkan lebih banyak inspirasi!

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Ketahui anggaran biaya renovasi rumah Anda sejak awal!
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